Bryceella perpusilla n.sp.
Bryceella perpusilla; very small (body length: 100µm), extremely vivid species; ventral view showing the ciliary field of the head. The identification is based on the apical styli (S) and the vitellarium with 4 nuclei (triangles). The arrowhead points to the caudal antenna.(1)
Bryceella perpusilla; another view of the same specimen with focus on styli and caudal antennae. (1)
Bryceella perpusilla; arrowheads pointing to the 4 nuclei of the vitellarium. (1)
Bryceella perpusilla; focus on the outwardly curved toes, which can be retracted like a telescope into the last pseudosegment of the foot. (1)
Bryceella perpusilla; specimen from (2).
Bryceella perpusilla; lateral view; specimen from (3).
Bryceella perpusilla; dorsoventral view of the anterior part of a specimen mecerated with SDS. Some epipharyngeal structures ("Epi", marked by double arrow) can be observed aside from the trophi (Tr). (4).
Bryceella perpusilla; trophi; left: specimen from (3); right: specimen from (4).
Bryceella perpusilla; dorsoventral view of a young specimen; the ventral cilia (?bristles?) are organised in 6 bundles which insert at 6 hypodermal cuhsions (marked by arrowheads). (5)
Bryceella perpusilla; lateral view; focal plane on the epidermal projection (arrowhead) and the dorsal antenna (arrow). (5)
It might be possible that the species identified as Wierzejskiella vagneri (earlier found in nature reserve Schwalm) is also Bryceella perpusilla.
Sample (4) courtesy of Dr. D. Fontaneto, Verbania, Italy
Location (3): Helvete, Norway
Habitat (3): Sphagnum-moss, together with the gastrotrich Aspidiophorus silvaticus
Date: coll.: 28.07.2016; img.: 04.08.2016 (3)
Location (5): Hildener Heide, Hilden, NRW, Germany, NRW, Germany, Sphagnum- venn;
Habitat (5): detritus between Sphagnum-moss
Date: 30.11.2024 (2)
Location: Hattingen Oberstueter, forest (1); (2); Lista, Norway, pond (4)
Habitat: tree moss, sympatric with B.stylata (1); (2); sphagnum moss (3); Sphagnum moss (4)
Date: 13.02.2013 (1); 31.8.2014 (2); 04.08.2016 (3); 29.10.2021 (4)
freshwater life
marine life